Everything You Need to Know Before the 2019-2020 Academic Year

It’s time for another school year in Hawk Country! Here’s everything students and parents need to know before the start of the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

1. We’re turning 60!

The 2019-2020 Academic Year is our 60th Anniversary! On September 9, 1959, Bishop Hendricken officially opened its doors and began educating young men of character, faith, and intellect. In honor of our birthday, we have a full year of festivities and activities planned to celebrate, beginning with our 60th Anniversary Mass of the Holy Spirit on Monday, September 9th at 9:30am.

2. It all begins next week!

Next week, we’ll welcome the newest members of our school community to Bishop Hendricken, and welcome our Hawks back home! Check out the full first week of school schedule below.

Tuesday, August 27th – Taking Flight
A fun, inclusive orientation program for 8th graders, 9th graders, and transfer students. Casual dress, shorts, and sneakers are encouraged. Lunch is provided. There will be no bus transportation on this day. Students do not need to bring any backpacks.

Grades 8 & 9: 8:00am – 2:30pm (theater)
Transfer Students: 10:00am – 1:30pm (library)

Wednesday, August 28th – Academic Orientation for All Students
Students need to be in full dress code. There will be no bus transportation on this day. Yearbook and student ID photos will be taken. Lunch will not be provided or available.

Grades 8, 9 & 10: 8am-11:30am
Grades 8 & 9 report to theater at 8am. Grades 10 reports to homeroom at 8am. Homeroom lists will be posted in the lobby.

Grades 11 & 12: 11:30am-2:30pm
Grade 11 reports to homeroom at 11:30am. Grade 12 reports to theater at 11:30am. Homeroom lists will be posted in the lobby.

Thursday, August 29th – First Full Day of Classes
Students should be in full dress code – NO jacket required. Regular bus transportation begins. Cafeteria is open. Homeroom begins at 8:10am. Students in Academy Classes need to report at 7:45am. Dismissal will be at 2:30 pm.

Friday, August 30th – NO SCHOOL! Faculty & Staff Retreat

Monday, September 2nd – NO SCHOOL! Labor Day

3. New year, updated dress code

The purpose of our dress code is to teach our young men maturity and what will be expected of them in formal situations in the adult world. As such, the following dress code requirements will be enforced. Below are changes and highlights to be noted for the 2019-2020 Academic Year.

Suit Jackets
All students are to wear a suit jacket (preferably navy blue) during school, outside the classroom, and inside the classroom (unless the teacher allows it to be removed). School approved sweaters may be worn under a student’s suit jacket.

Students are expected to wear dress shoes that are in line with a business environment. Traditional topsider shoes are also acceptable. Sneakers, canvas shoes, slippers, or work boots are not appropriate.

Earrings and any facial piercings may not be worn during school (including dress down days) or while participating in any school event, including athletics. Concealment by means of Band-Aids, etc. is not permitted.

4. Do I need school supplies?

No. Unlike the elementary years, students do not need to bring glue, markers, a ruler, etc. Each student will need a notebook, pens and pencil for their classes and if they need a folder, 3 ring binder, or any other specific item, their teachers will make that request during the first few days of school.

5. Did you get your textbooks yet?

If you haven’t purchased your textbooks yet, or received your state-loaned books from your town, click here! A reminder that students from Warwick, East Providence, North Kingstown, Providence, and out-of-state will receive their books from Hendricken.

6. Don’t forget your summer assignments!

Remember: summer reading assessments will take place during the first week of school! Make sure to complete your assigned readings, and any other assigned summer work. Check your assignments here.

7. Parents — mark your calendars!

There’s a few dates you’ll want to be sure to mark down in your calendars for the beginning of the 2019-2020 Academic Year!

Arts Program Family Dinner
Wednesday, August 28th @ 6:30pm
Founders’ Hall & Cafeteria

Fall Sports Parents Meeting
Thursday, August 29th @ 7pm
Dr. Daniel S. Harrop Theater

8th & 9th Grade Parent Back-to-School Night
Thursday, September 5th @ 7pm
McNally Gym

Senior Parent Back-to-School Night
Tuesday, September 10th @ 6:30pm
Dr. Daniel S. Harrop Theater

10th & 11th Grade Parent Back-to-School Night
Tuesday, September 10th @ 7pm
Dr. Daniel S. Harrop Theater

8. Have questions?

Never hesitate to give the Main Office a call at (401) 739-3450! We’re looking forward to another tremendous year of success, productivity, and growth. We’ll see you next week!